Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. – Calvin Coolidge.
Imagine what would have happened or were we would be now if Thomas Edison had given up after the 10th try or maybe the 300th try of working on inventing the electric lamp. Imagine where South Africa would be this day if Nelson Mandela had given up the fight against apartheid. Take your mind back and imagine what would be the lot of the African Americans today if all the past redemption fighters had kept quiet. It goes on and on with a wonder on the determination and persistence of people in bringing about a change and ensuring that life is better for all.
The grave is full of talented men and women who had so much potential but no staying power. Even in the here and now, we have talented individuals and geniuses who have done nothing to benefit others from their so called talents. They find it difficult to “press on”, for them the slightest challenge or opposition stops them in their tracks. They just give up on making a mark.
It is somewhat a big deal to continue going on in the face of challenges and opposition. For a lot of us we let go of a lot of the things we want to do or think is right. Why? We give so many reasons but the most common is that of making a living. So many forget they have a talent because they need to make a living. They worry over the fact that working on their talent or skills and building a life from it would result in years of hunger. The “staying power” of persistence is not present neither are we determined in “sticking on” to our course until we are able to achieve success.
Everyone in life that has been successful with what they do and their dreams stood their grounds on what they want out of life. For them every obstacle was seen as a hurdle on the race track and without overcoming it you can’t get to the finish line. Some kick it out of the way, some jump over it and some fly over it, whichever way you can hurdles are meant to be overcome with determination.
Continuing to move on in your course of action not looking at or listening to the opposing challenges will put you above with time. Just as we have imagined at the start of this write up, I want you to imagine how wonderful it would be if you are to persevere and finally get to that place you want the end result will be every time that things look bad or it seems you are in a rut bring out the picture and keep going. Let your picture of success be the motivating factor to keep you pressing on and moving forward. Remember that no matter that with determination and persistence you can be who you want to be, you can move mountains and you change your lot in life.
Chose today to “press on”, persist on that dream and be determined to succeed. For you, let the sky be the beginning and not your limit!
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