

Monday, January 24


We are born, we grow and then we die but in between all this stages in life we are all on this earth to leave our mark on the sands of time. How we do that however is left to each and every individual person. For some of us we try to be of positive impact to everyone we come across, for others we try as much as we can to please ourselves and are not worried about who we hurt along the way while we have some of us who are not really bothered about making an impact and so just go with the flow.

Irrespective of whatever way we try to live our lives, somewhere on this beautiful earth our failures and successes are recorded for posterity. It might not be one that is known to the whole world, we might not be as famous as Michael Jackson, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, J. F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, M. K. O. Abiola, I.B. Babangia, Aliko Dangote, Bill Gates, Thomas Edison or any of the other names that comes to mind. But we must remember that someone somewhere is watching us and learning something from us.

What they learn therefore is determined by us alone and maybe the person that is a student of life. It is imperative that whatever we do we must remember that we would leave a mark on the sands of time. Just like a fossilized print of the ancient and extinct plants and animals that makes it possible for us to understand the past of the earth and mankind, so also will our marks be studied for years to come in other for the generations coming behind us to have an understanding of our time.

Since we all know that time is the most precious gift of life and that time waits for no one in spite of everyone having the same 24hours we must therefore ensure that as time goes by our footsteps on the sands of time is not wiped away by the torrents of life or by the heavy storms we pass through in our own life. We know that with time the track grows cold if we do not leave a way for those coming behind us to be able to locate our route. So as we move along leave a beautiful marker for people to be able to find their way, this way they don’t get lost and they learn faster.

Our life is an open book irrespective of whether you are a celebrity or not, live it well! Our souls will give account one day, keep it well! Our minds are great networks of life and its intricacies, manage it properly! Our body is a vehicle for all this to thrive, treat it with all the care it deserves. But remember that whatever the marks we want to or try to leave on the sands of time, only us can determine or change it. So your life and destiny is yours to make good on! You are here on this wonderful earth already, MAKE IT COUNT FOR SOMETHING!!

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