

Monday, January 24


There is one great beauty to life
The beauty of watching a baby learning to walk
They move through life taking it one step at a time
And the funny thing is that they enjoy each step
Have you ever thought of what it takes
To move one step at a time?
To simple enjoy life the way it comes without worries?
Have you thought of the beauty of taking your time
And not working at anyone else’s pace?

For the baby learning to walk and the parents
Each step is a delight
Each day is a challenge and a new experience
The joy and wonder in the eye of the baby
Is a wonderful picture to behold all on its own
It’s a gift to them to just be able to go through one step
It’s a wonder to everyone around to also see this great wonder
But what is most amazing is the fact that
When they fall they are ready to stand up again and again
They would only wail with the immediate pain
And once they are back on their feet
The pain of the fall is forgotten for the joy of another step

They toddle along in a near race walking at a pace that can’t be rushed
It is so unlike the steps we take as adults
We are so impatient to move along
We never take time to enjoy each step and to be grateful for it
We complain and blame our legs for not moving faster
We complain about our life for not moving at our own pace
We complain when people around us try to make us understand
We fail to see that the more we run the farther off the finish line is
We set a very far target for ourselves and complain if we don’t get their
But the baby?
All she wants to do is get to the television or her toy
She wants to able to welcome her mummy and dad
Once they get into the house
She wants to move just for the beauty and fun of life

But we adults we have so much plans
We have so many places we want to be all at once
That most times when we fall
Getting back on our feet takes much more time for us
And even in most cases we just sit on and let time pass by
We cry foul and blame everything but not ourselves
We set ourselves up to fall
But we fail to see it
Let’s remember to take life
Enjoying each step as we take them
And celebrating each step as we make them
With this we will achieve more and get more out of life

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