In your prayers don’t babble like the pagans do, for they think that by using many words they will make themselves heard. Do not be like them; your father knows what you need before you ask Him. Matthew 6:7-8
One of my mentors keeps saying that no one has graduated above praying the Lord’s Prayer; this is so because it covers the standard requirement for a praying Christian. The Lord’s Prayer follows a pattern which underlines the need for obedience over sacrifice. It tells us that we pray to God; who is not only our creator but also our father and He resides in the heavens. His name is a Holy name that deserves honour at all times because at the mention of His name we request for His presence. There are lots of Christians that use the name of their father disrespectfully. It is like we calling our earthly father by name and not honouring it. Calling on the name of God at the slightest instant and using the name in unholy gathering and during false pretences. We have so belittled the name, that even the ungodly and unbelievers also take the name in vain.
The kingdom of God is holy and pure and it will only come into our life and finances when we are sanctified by the blood of Christ. The kingdom of God cannot dwell in an unclean vessel and it will respect only those who are obedient and receptive to the things of the kingdom.
“Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven” really? Do you want the will of God to be done on earth as it done in heaven? The will of God is that we fulfill His purpose for creating us and to obey His laws and be receptive to His word.
Do you do that? The will of God is to remain at his side, under His umbrella and going wherever He asks, when He asks without even thinking about it. The will of God is that we follow him like a sheep, to be responsible children and to do our own share in keeping the family going.
Each day we are to ask only for the need of that day, just as we say; “give us this day our daily bread”. This means that we ought to live our life a day at a time. This does not necessarily mean we are to be careless, wasteful or foolish. What it means is that we are not to worry about things we cannot change since worrying about it will not change it. It will only frustrate you and make you susceptible to the conniving of the enemy. Think only just thoughts because this will cleanse your heart. Just remember God’s word that He has given you everything therefore tomorrow is settled already. This also teaches us to pray for the spirit of patience because once we are able to master the habit of living our life a day at a time we won’t be in a hurry to do things at our own pace but at God’s pace and according to his will.
“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Jesus tells us that when we come before God we should be free of the guilt of unforgiveness and settle all grievances we have against our fellow man before going before God. What you tell God is this, “my daddy I have forgiven everyone that has annoyed, offended or wronged me today, so I ask for your own forgiveness”. This starts by you forgiving yourself and getting over past hurts. Lack of forgiveness on your path towards those that offend you shuts the door of forgiveness from God. Remember to do unto others what you want done to you. If you can’t forgive you won’t be forgiven. Do not let the sun set on your wrath. Moreover, holding grudges does not make you receptive to receiving from God.
“lead us not into temptation” we ought to pray and ask God daily that as we go through the day we are not lead into temptation or tested beyond our endurance. This is a very essential part of prayer, since our enemy is always before the Lord asking permission to put our lives in jeopardy. He knows that when God hands us over to him he has right over us, Job 1:1-5. Job did not suffer harm until God allowed him to be tested by the devil. So we need to be obedient and always remember to ask God for his help at all times.
So we ought to follow the format that Christ has given to us;
1. Worship the Lord
2. Honour him and keep his word and name holy
3. Be responsible by leaving your life on earth as it is done in heaven
4. Live life day by day. Don’t worry yourself about irrelevant things that you cannot change
5. Don’t hold grudges, forget all offences so God can forgive and blot out your offenses
6. Walk in a way that would not require you to be led into temptation
7. Do God’s will so that He will deliver you from evil always because only by been obedient to His will can he stand by you so that harm will not come near you.
So next time you pray remember the rules of the Lord’s prayer and do not waste your time in asking God for things you know He will not give you. Like asking for the death of your enemy; God does not kill. For him to grant frivolous request, to look the other way while you go against his will; He won’t answer, neither will He answer you when you compare yourself with the ungodly because they are not on the same level with you. Do not ask Him to bless you when you are not doing your own part. Limit your request to the range of honesty and holiness but above all be very prayerful and watchful.
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What can a grateful heart give?
I am grateful to God for life. I have passed through the waters I have crawled through the storm I persevered the heat of the fire My bone...

In your prayers don’t babble like the pagans do, for they think that by using many words they will make themselves heard. Do not be like the...
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You know a few months ago someone told me that my issues don't come because I had enemies or not. He told me just one simple phrase. He ...
Thanks a great deal mariam for this. Sums up all my thoughts on the subject of prayer. Little wonder why most Christians hardly even use the name of God any longer. We use titles as God and Lord, but not His name which the Lord's prayer says "hallowed be thy name".....Is his name God or lord? We say O lord, My God.....isn't it a tautology? Doesn't it make more sense to say: Jehovah, my Lord......there are many mortal men that are being addressed as lord or god (only literates will know the issue of Lower case & upper case letters), but only the Almighty is Jehovah. The unbelievers know this and that is why they mock Christians. We have so derailed from what should be. We have allowed westernization to infiltrate the Christian standards, but then Christ foretold all these happenings in Matthew when He was giving the parables about heaven and He made mention of the sower, the wheat, and the tares.....It is otherwise known as the great Apostasy which is manifesting itself in various forms including the so called charismatic renewal. My prayer is that may God continue to teach us in His ways and let us be as the wheat that will be gathered into the barn and not like the tares that will be gathered and burnt. Jehovah help us in Jesus name. Amen.
ReplyDeleteNote: Jesus which in the hebrew form is yeshua or yehoshua means "Jehovah is Salvation" So it is important we know His Holy name not titles and also reverence it. many Christians don't even know the meaning of Jesus. God will help us IJN.
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