

Tuesday, April 20


I always told, Sandra Bullock was my student when she was younger, I always told her it's important that we hold on to our insecurity, the wisdom of insecurity.
Sally Kirkland

What you do to man
How far do you intend to go
And how long would you
Plague man
Looking back I behold so much destruction
And all along the way
I see bodies’ lying all around you
One man’s destruction and ruin
You have ruined many homes
Not to forget also many lives
From the beginning of time
The lack of believe in oneself
And the feeling that one can’t go on
Surely and gradually destroys
Until it is but a sure ruin
Once you are allowed in the door
Success will always flee away
And if it is attainable
Would never be enough
It gradually eats away and rots the soul
Widening the hole and causing a void
That cannot be breached
Unless will a strong will and determination
Man must find a way
We have found a suitable definition
We have tried to analyze
Categorize and validate
This great destroyer of mankind
But the bottom line we do not know
And as the void continues to widen
We become more venomous
Been destroyed and destroying
Not been able to hold back
We are like a driver
With all his weight on the brake
And find out that he can’t avoid
Hitting something or someone
And if we survive the crash
Will always bear the scars
But sometimes we find out that
Surely insecurities
Are shadows clouding life
And destroying it continually
It adds to your life inferiority
Flavoring it with sadness
And complicating the easiest things in life
Demeaning and ostracizing mankind
One from another

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