

Sunday, April 4


The cup is licking,
The drops of water splash on the ground and dries in the soil,
Talents are been lost daily my children loose all with every breath I take.
People tell me I have so many children,
A river of water that cannot become empty,
But they do not know that amongst those ones that are been drained away
In them are my best, the apple of my eyes
They are my future, the ones that will give life and make my dreams a reality.

Some of my children have put it upon themselves
To drain out the milk that I fed them with,
They have decided that they would empty me inside out.
They take from me daily without given anything in return
They do not care that as they do this
They would one day deprive their on children's children the right
And benefits they they are enjoying now.
Then i wonder to myself WHY!!
In tears I write this letter to YOU!! YES EVEN YOU!!!
Why do you insist on emptying out the blood of my life?

Every day I have to take up more blood through transfusion
Because as I take you drain it away.
What value is this fight that you wage against me?
Why have you taken it upon yourself
To run after thing that take away from you without giving back?
Every time I turn around and look
I see a mass of people that is governed by a few,
I see children that have sold their birthright just for what they would eat,
I look and see my first born give unto the last
What he gained as a right of birth and I wonder to myself
"when will my children learn to be free and give their younger ones a chance to live"

It hurts me daily when I open my heart and eyes
To see another life that is cut short or drained away
I am loosing all my worth,
Ii am gradually been emptied and drained of my life worth
I am a country that has not been allowed to be a nation,
I am a land filled with milk and honey,
I am a giant that is gradually been reduced to a dwarf
I was a mighty man that fought for the less privileged
I am that land that was loved by many
A land where everyone wanted to be

Now I have been reduced to a land
Where even her children run away to places far and wide
I have become a land where the godly's voice is not heard in the field
I have become a land that cannot even feed her own people
While a few greedy one take what is left and sell it to neighboring nations
I been made a land where her children refuse to talk
I have become a land where some of her children have to sleep with one eye open
I have been made redundant and lifeless because I am no longer a full glass

I used to be a cup filled and running over,
Overflowing with love and resources
But where is everything?
Yesterday I went to see some of my children in Jos
But I was told that they are no more, their brothers killed them,
The other day I went to Benin,
On my way I saw bodies (my children dead on the streets)
Their brothers robbed them and killed them
I look around and I see vacant eyes with lost hope and lost faith
I went to visit some of my children
And they could not entertain me as they used to do before now
Because they lost their job.
Please help me!! Don’t let the source of my joy drain away completely
Call everyone together and work together to fill me back up.
Why run after all these things that have continued to bring me down into nothingness?
Why do u pursue after emptiness?
I am a great country and I want to be a nation,

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