

Wednesday, October 5


On a faithful day some decades ago there was a lot of rejoicing and happiness when a new baby girl was born into the world. Little did the world know that that little girl child would go through pains and so much trials and still be single.

Growing up was fun, because even if I was not born with a golden spoon in my mouth at least I had the proverbial silver spoon to hold on to. Things were good! In a time when Nigeria was growing my parents were actually among one of the very comfortable ones.

Life for the little Girl I was back then, was laced with comfort and joy and even though I saw people with not so much as we had, it never occurred to me that we could end up in penury or that my dad's numerous companies could all go bankrupt. But then what did a little girl know? My early years in school were the best and that was because I did not only learn, I had the best teacher ever, MY DAD!

Anyway, thing started unraveling in my secondary school days. Life was beginning to get hard and I began to have an understanding of what going to bed without food meant, not having the money to buy that which you wanted when you wanted it was a major issue. The fact that we end up blaming life for our situations also became something I had to learn and then another thing I had to unlearn as the times went by. I grew up knowing that life was not really as we had lived it while growing up but that sometimes "things just go wrong" Why? I don't know but really I have no intention of pushing blame.

Later in my early 20s I began to understand that we alone can carve our own destinies, not our parents, not our situation and most importantly not our government. I had spent 5 years at home waiting to gain admission into the university, and then suddenly it dawned on me that if I continued to sit at home I might never go to university. So I determined in myself in 1997 that once i sat for the exam and I made the average score I was going to get admission and you know what? I DID! It was not as difficult as I had thought neither was it as easy as we all think it was. But I was able to get admission into 2 universities the same year.

What was left was where was the money going to come from? I was stumped but then I said to myself, you are in and nothing would stop you from graduating. Then and there I decided I would make good use of what I had. I started making hair for friends since I was good at that. Then I started home coaching later on when friends would make hair and not pay. I did a lot of jobs in the university but I also enjoyed my time there as well. I remember the days of been ever present at the student union arcade, the joy of been part of the activism (at least to a level) and the enjoyment of making good grades in spite of work and play. I was not at my best but I did my best, both at work and at school.

But then the learning was not over. I had to learn that the universities in Nigeria never prepare you for the outside world and I learnt the hard way. With what I had, I found it hard to get a job coupled with the fact that I was already nearing my 3.0 years and I did not serve with my mates. It was so bad at one time that I wondered if I was going to have to go get married first before getting a job. But then I realise that I don't have a job because I don't have any skills to offer any employer. So I started to build and build and here I am now I don't just have the skills but I am very proud of where I am and give thanks to my creator for his grace and love.

I grew up as a snob that selected friends and found it hard to relate with anyone below my level, but now I can relate with anyone whatever and where ever. It’s a great thing to know that all it took for me was that decision to be the creator of my own destiny. To take my destiny (the one that God gave me) in my own hands and make of it what I dream of in the dead of the night.

I am not there yet but at least now I know that I will get there. When? I can't tell you for sure, but when I do get there I will let you know.

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