

Wednesday, October 5

Does Nigeria Have a future?

Earlier today I had a conversation with my guardian and the conversation started with a question, “does Nigeria have a future?” I wondered why he had asked that particular question considering the fact that he is a proudly naija man. I asked him the reason for the question and our conversation moved further than I had anticipated. I realized that this was something that we would all want to have a say in so I copied the chat and here it is below:


this naija get future soooooo


yes it does

just hang in there


ok oooooo


why do u ask?


we seem to be going two steps forward and another six backwards


hmmm.......... well depends on what angle u looking at it



for a start

for a start


well the people up there know what is right but doing what is right will not favour their own agenda so they do what is wrong

the country going back and forth is a strategy for them to be able to do what they like when they like it


so , where do we go from here


remember that the democracy in nigeria is peculiar to only nigeria


when the wrong thing is the norm


the rottenness starts from individuals and i keep telling people that

u cant change what is at the top when the foundation itself is bad

we can not renovate which is what we are trying to do, it wont work we have to rebuild

its everyman build yourself and be a better you


well i agree


so that is where we have the solution o!

individual effort but even the complaining nigerians wants to eat their cake and have it which is stupid


poverty, thats the wahala


no egbon mi

poverty is not the wahala

the problem is people think in terms of "me" and not "us"

there is nowhere that is done and their can be peace or stability

a lot of other countries do not have the resources naija has yet they are not termed as poor

why? cos they have all decided to pull together and u will not hear them speak bad of their motherland


if your future is not guaranteed by the system


which a naija man can do from morning till night


what do you do

you think of yourself only


then u must guarantee it by your own effort to bring a solution to the lives of people around u


we are sunken so deep


if u think of urself only then the fear and dissatisfaction will continue to grow

but not in a quicksand which makes it easier for us to climb out dust ourselves and begin to move on the right part


we are too sunken


we are too sunken

and dissatisfaction would grow no doubt


yes as long as we continue to put ourselves first then it will

its God first, all others then me


i wish I cans share your ideals

so lofty

so workable in ideal societies


its not lofty but even lofty ideas can be attained


but in Nija ?????????????????


it is workable in naija provided we start on individual basis

countries that had been in worse situations have done it and succeeded

You know after the chat and we had moved on to something else I still wondered about my response and I remember a particular line in the Nigerian National Anthem which goes thus, “great lofty heights attained to build a nation where peace and justice shall reign”.

Why do we collectively feel that the problem is the government when we as individuals are not ready to change our own way of life? Why must our leaders be better individuals when the collective population and the average Nigerian is not willing to change? If we want change then we must also embrace the change we so much clamour for.

What do you say?

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