

Wednesday, October 5


I don't know why people actually enjoy dwelling on the negative, rebranding starts with the individual each man change his mind set. We have stayed so long in a place.

Even if we killed or banished all the rich men/people we say are destroying Nigeria and their children will we be able to make Nigeria a better place by our words and criticism? NO! we wont.

Then let us focus on something that will actually make us that people that we want the world to see. Most of the people complaining would do same if they were given position of power.


When will Nigerians remember to take action and not just blow hot air?

When will they be able to work towards moving their hopes forward?

God is not a magician and so we cannot sit in our comfort zone while we expect him to wave his magic wand and make everything better. We just sit in our homes, churches or mosques and pray and do nothing.

I have come across Pastors that put God in a box on a shelf when they want to do business or have extra marital relationships, I have heard of religious people in all religions that do same.

Nigerians want to have the best of everything, good road, good education, good family, abundant food supply, constant electricity and yet we are the same ones that are corrupt in the little things we do.

Those of you that travel to this said countries and nations that are great, do you not pay tax?

Do you leave the light on when you are not home? Do you delay in paying your bills?

Do you not strive hard to learn or do you go to your lecturer to bribe him so you can pass?

Do you not attend lectures religiously?

How many of you eat something in the bus and throw the rubbish on the streets?

How many of you urinate in the streets?

Please if we cannot change our ways then let us leave the overly corrupt to continue to rule.

Change begins from within the individual. Remember “ he who prays for the good of Jerusalem?”

Abeg make una leave off this constant gnawing on a bone that has long since lost its nutrients and is no longer of use to its owner.

Throw it away and get a better one, a better mindset for the new year that would help us all to move to where we wanna be. We have dwelt long enough in one place.

Evil will only have room to operate when it is given a long rope to operate with. We are reaping the fruit of what we sowed by our inaction and folding of hands.

Today it is Farouk AbdulMutalib, tomorrow who?

Morals go a long way in the life of a child.

When we refused to train our children someone else did and gave him a bad orientation, one that is speaking for us now.

I am tired my friends and fellow Nigerians.


Does Nigeria Have a future?

Earlier today I had a conversation with my guardian and the conversation started with a question, “does Nigeria have a future?” I wondered why he had asked that particular question considering the fact that he is a proudly naija man. I asked him the reason for the question and our conversation moved further than I had anticipated. I realized that this was something that we would all want to have a say in so I copied the chat and here it is below:


this naija get future soooooo


yes it does

just hang in there


ok oooooo


why do u ask?


we seem to be going two steps forward and another six backwards


hmmm.......... well depends on what angle u looking at it



for a start

for a start


well the people up there know what is right but doing what is right will not favour their own agenda so they do what is wrong

the country going back and forth is a strategy for them to be able to do what they like when they like it


so , where do we go from here


remember that the democracy in nigeria is peculiar to only nigeria


when the wrong thing is the norm


the rottenness starts from individuals and i keep telling people that

u cant change what is at the top when the foundation itself is bad

we can not renovate which is what we are trying to do, it wont work we have to rebuild

its everyman build yourself and be a better you


well i agree


so that is where we have the solution o!

individual effort but even the complaining nigerians wants to eat their cake and have it which is stupid


poverty, thats the wahala


no egbon mi

poverty is not the wahala

the problem is people think in terms of "me" and not "us"

there is nowhere that is done and their can be peace or stability

a lot of other countries do not have the resources naija has yet they are not termed as poor

why? cos they have all decided to pull together and u will not hear them speak bad of their motherland


if your future is not guaranteed by the system


which a naija man can do from morning till night


what do you do

you think of yourself only


then u must guarantee it by your own effort to bring a solution to the lives of people around u


we are sunken so deep


if u think of urself only then the fear and dissatisfaction will continue to grow

but not in a quicksand which makes it easier for us to climb out dust ourselves and begin to move on the right part


we are too sunken


we are too sunken

and dissatisfaction would grow no doubt


yes as long as we continue to put ourselves first then it will

its God first, all others then me


i wish I cans share your ideals

so lofty

so workable in ideal societies


its not lofty but even lofty ideas can be attained


but in Nija ?????????????????


it is workable in naija provided we start on individual basis

countries that had been in worse situations have done it and succeeded

You know after the chat and we had moved on to something else I still wondered about my response and I remember a particular line in the Nigerian National Anthem which goes thus, “great lofty heights attained to build a nation where peace and justice shall reign”.

Why do we collectively feel that the problem is the government when we as individuals are not ready to change our own way of life? Why must our leaders be better individuals when the collective population and the average Nigerian is not willing to change? If we want change then we must also embrace the change we so much clamour for.

What do you say?


The world is a stage

Where we all have a part to play

Which depends on ones willingness

And the ability put into it

Life is a lottery

There are many ups and downs

Which is all part of life

And ultimately a game of chance

Life is a gamble

Throw the wrong number

And you’ll have yourself to blame

On the other hand you might win handsomely

The world is a market square

We have all come to buy and sell

The goods are on display to see

Our kingdom is yet to come

The world is reaching out in nobody

Love all being and hate all evil

Have faith in yourself

And never say you have failed

© Campbell Mariam Oluwatoyin


This morning I left my home for work, I was not very happy because I just got a disappointment. I was trying to push myself to point where nothing but God matters when suddenly.....................

The driver of the bus I had boarded started shouting, "that vehicle is going to turn over" over and over again. Before we knew what had happened a trailer and turned over on the express. We were in the bus and the driver did not bother to stop but this is what we saw.

The front wind screen of the trailer had crashed and the driver ran out with blood on his face, one of the passengers was lying on the road dead, while about two others were trapped under the vehicle. Its so sad that we have placed our quest and search for money even over the safety of our lives.

Why have I said this? Simply because the driver did not have a seat belt neither did the person sitting beside him. Then there is also the people riding with the trailer that sit in the section where the load is kept. They don’t even have any form of protection or safety.

Last year around December, another accident happened along Apapa-Oshodi express way that involved a heavy duty truck that belonged to a prominent company in Nigeria. Lives were lost, all because of carelessness and no value for life.

Is life so unimportant or of no much value and worth that we fail to protect it, even if it’s our life? Have we forgotten that it is only when we are alive that we can enjoy the money we struggle so hard to have? Do we not understand that the most important thing to us is the life that God has given us? What about the people we have left behind? How do they survive? How wicked can we be to ourselves?

Sometimes I harden my heart to situations like this, it’s so sad that a wonderful life that could end up been one of the greatest that Nigeria ever had was lost dues to carelessness. It’s a shame that today someone said goodbye to her son, or husband; a child said good bye to his or her dad with the hope of seeing him later in the day. The only thing they would hear today is the news of death, death of their loved one, the bread winner of the family and probably the only source of income. What they would be in search of now is not where the next meal will be coming from but how do we bury this man?

Please let us place more value on our lives if not for us then for those that love us and depend on us. Let us not give our families a pain which might never go away. Let us live our lives with the utmost care. We know that only God can protect, “but Folorunsho to figi ogede gun ope………” (he who says he has God and continues to put himself in danger…………) what will become of him?

Nigeria and your people need you alive, God needs you alive. Remember also that the good you do will speak for you on that day as well.

May God help us all!!


As I read the book, "The complete Idiot's Guide to philosophy" by Jay Stevenson, it amazes me the effect of being, knowing and ethics on individuals and society. Honestly? I never knew philosophy was this interesting!

Please read the excerpt I have culled out of the book, I have decided to share this because I saw a little of me here.

Individualism is the view that individual rights and freedoms should form the basis of society. Collectivism is the view that the stability of society is more important than individual rights and freedoms.

Me First

The downside of individualism is that individualists sometimes forget how important other people are in their lives. We all need help from other people whether we realize it or not, even if we think we are independent. Say, for example, a person becomes successful partly because of opportunities resulting from personal connections. If this person is an individualist, she is likely to overlook the social connections involved and take the full credit for her success.

Not only might this person be ungrateful, she is likely to be unsympathetic toward people who don’t have the right connections themselves. Individualists tend to look at those who are unsuccessful as being at fault for their lack of success. When they see a homeless or an unemployed person, they don’t say to themselves, “That person needs more help”—they say “That person should have tried harder to succeed.”

This is only one of the problems with individualism. Another is that it encourages people to be competitive rather than cooperative. Individualists tend to be out for themselves, often at the expense of others. Still, this doesn’t mean that it’s always better to emphasize the good of society over the good of the individual.

The above philosophy does not honour God neither does it build growth. If we check ourselves and find we are involved in this we must do an about turn to colectivism


On a faithful day some decades ago there was a lot of rejoicing and happiness when a new baby girl was born into the world. Little did the world know that that little girl child would go through pains and so much trials and still be single.

Growing up was fun, because even if I was not born with a golden spoon in my mouth at least I had the proverbial silver spoon to hold on to. Things were good! In a time when Nigeria was growing my parents were actually among one of the very comfortable ones.

Life for the little Girl I was back then, was laced with comfort and joy and even though I saw people with not so much as we had, it never occurred to me that we could end up in penury or that my dad's numerous companies could all go bankrupt. But then what did a little girl know? My early years in school were the best and that was because I did not only learn, I had the best teacher ever, MY DAD!

Anyway, thing started unraveling in my secondary school days. Life was beginning to get hard and I began to have an understanding of what going to bed without food meant, not having the money to buy that which you wanted when you wanted it was a major issue. The fact that we end up blaming life for our situations also became something I had to learn and then another thing I had to unlearn as the times went by. I grew up knowing that life was not really as we had lived it while growing up but that sometimes "things just go wrong" Why? I don't know but really I have no intention of pushing blame.

Later in my early 20s I began to understand that we alone can carve our own destinies, not our parents, not our situation and most importantly not our government. I had spent 5 years at home waiting to gain admission into the university, and then suddenly it dawned on me that if I continued to sit at home I might never go to university. So I determined in myself in 1997 that once i sat for the exam and I made the average score I was going to get admission and you know what? I DID! It was not as difficult as I had thought neither was it as easy as we all think it was. But I was able to get admission into 2 universities the same year.

What was left was where was the money going to come from? I was stumped but then I said to myself, you are in and nothing would stop you from graduating. Then and there I decided I would make good use of what I had. I started making hair for friends since I was good at that. Then I started home coaching later on when friends would make hair and not pay. I did a lot of jobs in the university but I also enjoyed my time there as well. I remember the days of been ever present at the student union arcade, the joy of been part of the activism (at least to a level) and the enjoyment of making good grades in spite of work and play. I was not at my best but I did my best, both at work and at school.

But then the learning was not over. I had to learn that the universities in Nigeria never prepare you for the outside world and I learnt the hard way. With what I had, I found it hard to get a job coupled with the fact that I was already nearing my 3.0 years and I did not serve with my mates. It was so bad at one time that I wondered if I was going to have to go get married first before getting a job. But then I realise that I don't have a job because I don't have any skills to offer any employer. So I started to build and build and here I am now I don't just have the skills but I am very proud of where I am and give thanks to my creator for his grace and love.

I grew up as a snob that selected friends and found it hard to relate with anyone below my level, but now I can relate with anyone whatever and where ever. It’s a great thing to know that all it took for me was that decision to be the creator of my own destiny. To take my destiny (the one that God gave me) in my own hands and make of it what I dream of in the dead of the night.

I am not there yet but at least now I know that I will get there. When? I can't tell you for sure, but when I do get there I will let you know.

Power of the People!!

Today I saw first hand how Nigerians can as a force collectively work together to achieve a positive growth!!

I had planned my day day but somehow i had to add to the plan so I could make time to meet another responsibility. Like most changes, it required additional resources even though I had looked at what I had and assumed that It would be okay.

After leaving the last place of appointment (the added appointment), I got to the bus-stop to realize that the Transporters had tripled the fare. It was crazy!! It is not new that their was a crowd at the bus-stop no. what I found fascinating was that this people actually refused to pay above the normal rate. Even though some would come and board at the inflated rate, the others refused.

Out of nowhere came this Patriotic Nigerian dressed in suit and looking quite elegant, he insisted that no one should board any of the vehicles. the park touts took it up with him and suddenly the others on the outside looking in joined and it was the passengers against the bus drivers and touts. It was a sight to behold. No fighting just an insistence that the fair should be brought down.

I had to leave the bus-stop for a while cos I had to go meet someone but when I got back MAGIC!! The fare was back to the normal price and their was no longer crowd at the bus-stop. I was proud to be a Nigerian. Like my people would say, "e sweet my belle say dis kain tin fit hapen"

Reflecting on this I realized that collectively we can have the change we want if we want it enough. Today this people realized that it is their right to dictate the price and that they could if they worked together. One person stood up to lead a group of people with a common goal and the others followed in his quest.

If we can come together and find that common goal, work together to see it happen then we would be better off for it. All that is needed is for us to realize that the destiny of the country is in our hands and not those in power!

God bless Nigeria!

God bless Nigerians!!

The Dawn of a New Generation!! Nigeria @ 51!!!

I went to a vigil yesterday and it was great why? because as we started the vigil we were asked to give thanks that today we are here as Nigerians united under one umbrella praying together. It was awesome! Then a few minutes ago my friend was chatting with me and she asks "you had not said anything about the independence, you of all people". I laughed and thought what else can one say to a generation just growing?

However, I remember the first independence celebration I watched on TV. Yeah I remember our silver jubilee and if you ask me that was the best Independence ceremony Nigeria ever had that i soooooooooo enjoyed. The theme was great and for me since then I strongly understood the value of unity. Sticking out together as one!

Today Nigeria is 1 year into the second generation of a people free from colonial masters. We moved out of Egypt but the sad part is that like the Israelite did after leaving Egypt we still moving round in the wilderness. Israel was supposed to spend less than 2 months crossing over to the promised land but they spent 40years doing what they should have done in 40days.

You know why? They never looked forward; not to the future or to the promises that God gave them. All they could think of was the fact that they never had to be responsible for anything except "be a slave". Feeding, sleeping, washing, even the sex of the children they had was determined by their masters. So much so that they lacked the power to think for themselves, they just existed.

Our generation; those of us that were born after the independence in 1960 is a year old today. However, we still allow our lives to be dictated by the mistakes of the first generation and the masters they got their training from. Honestly I must tell you it is only a person with slave mentality and the fear of been responsible that will hoard for himself not having the hope of surviving on his own.

What we need are Nigerians of young mind and uncommon sense that would take responsibility for freedom. I once read a book by Myles Monroe, it was titled the burden of freedom. I guess most of us have not read it abi? Anyway the book tells us the difference between a slave generation, a delivered generation and a truly free generation. A slave generation is a zombie nation with no thought for the past and non for the future, the only thing he is good for is serving the master. The delivered generation is happy to be free of its master but does not want the responsibility of thinking and planning for his future. He would rather give that to "A Moses" to do. If he is hungry "Moses" does something about it, if he needs to pee "Moses" does something about it. And then if he needs to hear from God"Moses" does the hearing then he relates it to him. He does not want a part of the God who gave him responsibility as well as freedom. The truly free generation is the one that takes the deliverance and converts it into ownership by taking responsibility for his future.

The Israelite never understood this and neither did Adam in the garden. God called, Adam answered. When he was asked did you eat the fruit, he replies not with an apology but he shelves the responsibility for his act on the guy that gave him life (his creator). The way he saw it; if God had not made woman he would not have sinned. Very funny I am sure the devil would have found another way. Imagine what would have happened if Adam had come out accepting he was wrong and asks for a chance to make amends?

Our generation must stand up and be responsible. Create jobs instead of waiting for one to be offered to us. Study hard, buy books, read had instead of waiting for the government to fill the library and the lecturers to teach us what we need to know. Talk directly to your maker instead of waiting for a "Pastor" that would fast on your behalf. Lets be creative, innovative, truly free and be Nigerian.

Ours is the generation that counts!!

We are the Joshua generation that crossed Jordan and got the land that was promised our fathers. They dreamt of freedom of been independent, but they forgot to dream of true freedom because to be truly free we must hold the future by the throat and direct it the way we know it should be. We must be willing to take care of the house we live in but did not build, water the grapes that we will harvest but did not plant, pave the roads of our lives that was we move on but did not build. We must be willing to live a freedom we have but did not work for.




What can a grateful heart give?

 I am grateful to God for life.  I have passed through the waters I have crawled through the storm I persevered the heat of the fire My bone...