

Friday, June 25

The Shephard Leader

Show me a Nigerian leader and I would show you a wolf stealing sheep from its owner.

Show me a Nigerian Leader and I will show you a fearful man, one so afraid of mediocrity that he holds money by the throat just to have relevance.

Show me a Nigerian Leader and I would show you a man that is drunk with power and has lost consciousness of moral, social, godly values.

Show me a true leader and I would show you a Shepherd that knows his sheep and who's sheep know him.

The picture image for the note shows a Shepherd carry a sheep and protecting it. That is an example of a true leader.

A Shepherd will stay out in bad whether just to ensure that the sheep in his care are safe and protected.

A Shepherd will go hungry and starve, he will travel a long distance, be a doctor just for the safety of its sheep.

A Shepherd will stake its life for that of its sheep, fighting the wolves and the lions just so they don't get to the sheep.

A Shepherd lives by the code of conduct that my sheep first before every other thing, and so the sheep comes first.

A Shepherd lives his life based on principles and morals that ensures that those under his care are safe and want for nothing as long as he can provide it.

He ensures they have food to eat water to drink a good place to lay their head, a shade from bad whether and protection from danger (both internal and external).

This is what makes a true Leader!

This is the kind of Leader we need.

Someone that will not think of himself but of those he is leading.

A person that would put the welfare of his people ahead of his own.

A man or woman guided by moral principles that are of positive impact to the society, economy, persons, and nation.

A man that is not ruled by the fear of not having money,someone that is confident in who he is that that money is never a basis for judging personal worth.

The leader we need? One ruled by values and principles that shines a guiding light.

A Shepherd is never perfect but one simple thing about a him is that he would never put himself above the sheep because to him, THE SHEEP COMES FIRST!

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