

Friday, June 4


Perry the man
Perry the lover that found love
Not knowing that his days are numbered
For decades he has been a traveler
seeking an abode in which
He may settle and call home
and for decade he has not found this
Born into riches he takes for granted
and in search of this abode
He marries himself off to an illusion
Perry never really looked
He never paused to realized
Until he discovers that the illusion
to which he clings
Are in shambles and gone forever
and gradually he distances himself
Until the covering is finally removed
And he sees for himself what it is
He should have realized
That with love which he can’t find
there would be no happiness
And then he resumes his travelling
And continues his search
in a remote place in which he did not look
A place he did not take his search to
He finds temporary abode
in the city of pairs he find himself
A permanent abode which is home
In the person he loves
He secludes his finds to himself
Never letting goes but holding fast
that the happiness would not
And never be grasped from his hand
That’s been put in their part
would they find happiness?
Eventually they find
and to them it’s on everlasting treasure
Long forgotten but now known
Beholden and never to be let go
the vanquished they have left behind
And never to come into contact with again
Two distinct individual
Different personalities
But naturally alike
In that they set out to conquer
And in a world of hardship
they did what they could not have done
Initially in their world of make believe.

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