

Monday, November 19

My people suffer for lack of Knowledge

You know a few months ago someone told me that my issues don't come because I had enemies or not. He told me just one simple phrase. He said and I quote "You lack understanding". Truly I was insulted and a little angry, but because He was older and a man of God I kept quite. Plus the fact that my mum instilled in me that you listen while people talk. So I kept quite and listened to him talk. Truthfully, I had this believe that I might not be very knowledgeable but that as long as I had the internet nothing was far from me. But that one phrase really undid me and kept me thinking. Today I know for a fact the meaning of what God meant when he said "My people suffer for lack of knowledge". God's knowledge is not the same with ours. The knowledge he was speaking of is not the same that I was thinking of. It was not the knowledge of what I could read online, neither is it the knowledge of what I can read in the bible. Yeah! I know we are all wondering her what I mean by "not the knowledge of what we read in the bible. But the truth of the matter is that like me a lot of us just "read" the bible and not get to "know" God through the words. I know that sometimes I would read and just sleep off, other times its like reading the same novel all over again. It was so bad I had some passages I loved to read and some I dont bother to open. I would read the book of Esther, and jump past job, I would read Isaiah or Ezekiel and past Jeremiah and Lamentation. I rarely read Revelation but I would glance through first four books of the new testament. Then someone told me that I must read a chapter of the bible every day and I just said okay. I tried doing so mainly because he would ask me everyday if I read my bible and I could not tell him a lie that yes I did. But after the experience and time getting to know i my suffering because I did not know God as I should things changed. Now I really do want to know God and in knowing God I am becoming more confident and doing away with old habits one at a time. Now I know that those habits are there because because I let them stay. I gave them room and bed to sleep, but now they have had to vacate and the power of the Spirit of God and His word is working miracles. Its a good thing that this is happening now because it is God's perfect moment. I really don't know of this is making sense but I hope that just one person gets what I am saying. That knowledge of God and who He is helps us to know who we are and the power we hold. Now I know that when I dream of eating I remember God's word that "I would feed and lay down and I shall not be afraid". At times when somethings come to mind and thinks it can scare me I remember the words of Apostle Paul is Colossians 2 "He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets." So I know that their power has been taken from them and they are exposed. So I don't have anything to worry about, just let God do His bit while I do mine by believing all of his promises. Now there is no room for any kind of doubt not one. I am not there yet my friends. Don't get me wrong. I still stumble sometimes but just like a child is with her precious dad I just smile at my dad and look up because I know he would kiss the pain away and make it better. In all truth I never meant to write a note, I was going to put up a status update but knowledge I know is of God and the note is a way for me to say thank you. I heard from somewhere that a lot of times we never give testimonies for things in our lives. We don't have success stories either or we do but don't share it. Most of us are worried that if we share our success stories something bad would happen. Don't worry I used to think that way but no more. I am happy to shout the good of God in my life, but when I am facing challenges I also know I can't walk it alone and I would share that too. Let us learn like me to actually take time to know God and not be one of those that only "read" the bible.


  1. That's great.
    The bible is a lot of parables so I need to pray for understanding, knowledge, and wisdom.
    U also need need to Gain knowledge of God, Self, and the Universe.
    Most problems start in the Spiritual world so I also suggest u make your spiritual more operational.
    I too was going through a lot n cried out for u humanity, and asked God wats wrong with this world. Answer I got: Any time you lack knowledge your enemies rule over u.
    Thus, while reading the Bible go read books like 1. The Lost Books of the Bible of Eden 2. Metu Neter etc.
    U can buy them on Amazon. Com


What can a grateful heart give?

 I am grateful to God for life.  I have passed through the waters I have crawled through the storm I persevered the heat of the fire My bone...