

Monday, January 30

My Clock Still Ticking - Thank you God!!!

In a couple of days I will be a year older!!! Yeah for me it is a day of joy, although I might be working on that day or not, I can't help but go back and in remembering bless God for how far I have come. I remember those years when I could not even speak out due to been shy and thinking what would people say or think? Do I have anything sensible to say? I remember when I was so insecure it was difficult to succeed at work. I remember when I started writing for the first time. I remember with love over the past three decades the people who have had positive impacts in my life. Let me tell you the ride to this point has not been all jolly fun. But even with the bumps and rough times, I would not have had it another way. This is 2012 and I have so much more I want to do, so many places I want to see, so many lives I want to touch, so many people I want to meet. But above all I give all the thanks and glory to God for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. From the topic, my life clock is still ticking; unlike so many. It has not stopped entirely, it has not malfunctioned, neither has it been stolen. My time is still moving at the right speed and is maintained by the maker on a regular basis. At anytime you check my life's clock it is always right, whatever season whatever time! Oh and I thank God its not moving backward either. Lol. This is me wishing myself and all my friends who have their birthday this month A JOLLY MERRY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

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