

Monday, October 11

……………….AND THEY FLEW!!!

“Come to the edge, he said. They said, we are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them………………and they flew” Guillaume Appillonaire.

It’s 2.24am on a cold Monday morning, I am awake on my bed, reading and planning for the week’s activities and taking some time to work. As I read, I come across the quote above and so my pen began to move!!

The first time I read that quote I laughed, and then I blinked and came back to it. I had to read it again and again. In that one quote so much comes to mind about the journey of man through life and how we out of fear limit ourselves and do not reach our potentials.

The edge here is a point where two things or stages in life meet. Our past and our future or maybe it’s our limitations and our success. Whichever two stage it is; it requires a bold step, eyes wide open, determination to survive, and a mind to rise above fear. This will enable you to move from one stage to the other.

Who was speaking and to whom? We do not know and I don’t think we need an answer to that.

Reading that quote what comes to your own mind?

The first response to the beckoning was fear, the fear of taking a risk and a reluctance to leave the comfort zone in which we find ourselves. Basically, I think the willingness to even “come” must be commended but flying?! THAT IS GREAT! I bet they did not have an inkling that they could fly and if they did they did not know how.

My guess is the guy who asked them to come to the edge saw the potential and that the only thing keeping them from reaching it was “them”. They had the talent, skills, knowledge and all that was needed to reach that potential. All they needed to do was to take that bold step of faith and LET GO!! Scary thought ehn?!

Anyway, they did take the step and in their determination to survive, they flew. I can honestly tell you that when they were pushed, they panicked and kept falling. When they saw the ground coming at them, the reflex reaction for survival kicked in.
Their wings developed a wing of its own and it connected to their brain and every part of their body. THEY FLEW!! Why? Because they wanted to live! They loved life more than their fears and unconsciously let go of fear for life.

A lot of us are limited by ourselves and nothing more. Most of us need to come to edge and be pushed. Well a percentage of those who want to only by ourselves c we will find a way to survive. We will realize we have wings and remember HOW to use them.

We will discover that only by ourselves can we move from mediocrity to relevance, from poverty to wealth, from developing to developed and from past to future. Where ever or at whatever stage in our lives or businesses we are now, we must heed the beckoning to come to the edge and be prepared to fly when we are pushed.


Clear your head, take action and the rest will be as they say, “HISTORY”

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