

Sunday, March 7


“To deliver thee from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words” proverb 2:16. The book of proverb gives us some of the attributes of a strange woman.
1. She is a flatterer and liar Proverb 6:24
2. She is an adulteress proverb 6:26
3. She is loud and stubborn proverb 7:11
4. She gossips (her feet abide not in her house)
5. She is conniving proverb 7:12
6. She is impudent and leads to other gods proverb 7: 13,16
7. She is evil proverb 6:24
8. She is disobedient proverb 2:17
At all times God have warned his children against strange women but unfortunately, in this present world the strange women are also found in the church (the house of God) amongst those that call themselves Christians.
There has never been a record of any man that went unto a strange woman that did not meet with destruction. Let us as women, especially us that are yet single to refrain from exhibiting the characters of the strange woman. A woman was created for one reason, to be a help meet for the man Genesis 2:18.
A woman, single or married, apart from being submissive must follow the rules in proverb 31:10-31. Remember that when the devil wanted to tempt mankind he went through the woman. Let us choose like Mary (Lazarus sister) to listen to God and to do his will, so that when the tempter comes we shall overcome.
At certain times in the bible we read the result of the works of the strange woman; job 2:9-10, judges 14-16, 1Kings 11, 1Kings 16:29-33, and 1kings 21. In all the passages above we see the havoc done by been yoked with a strange woman.
Be not a strange woman because God will ask you what you spent your time on earth doing and when the cat is out of the bag the end will not be a good one. The end of a strange is:
1. As bitter as worm wood
2. As sharp as a two edged sword
3. Her feet go down to death
4. Her steps take hold on hell
5. Her days are numbered
6. She finds no peace
7. She has a dishonourable end
Let us all repent and change from our ways, cleave unto the Lord the author and finisher of our faith!!

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