

Monday, February 3

How can you change the direction of your life?

A lot of us have been stuck in a rut. Not knowing what the next step is or how to rise above the joke our life has become is a major challenge for many. All around us people are loosing their jobs. A lot leave school and can't find jobs, some are under employed or over qualified. While we have a lot who are dissatisfied with where they are in life.
Nothing will satisfy you better than riding on the high that you get from doing what you are passionate about.

Over the years I have been riding on the high that my passion gives me. These pictures speak of a journey in teaching craft.

Saturday, February 1

Higher Above

The air is clean
The breeze is fresh
The sun is kind
The moon a delight

The stars wink at night
Just as a friend does in jest
The rocks massage your feet
And knocks away the feel of pain

How wondrous and how beautiful
The works of a God unseen
Who makes things bright and new
Bless Him bless Him everyday

               ©January 2020

Tuesday, January 28

From the top of the mountain

Go to the top of the mountain
Look around at all your eyes can behold
The expanse of land below
The beauty of the sky above

Man seems so small
Troubles become insignificant
The birds are closer to you
The dew of heaven cold on your skin

Go to the top of the mountain
Wonder at the miracle of the trees
Growing out of a hard rock
The skies are closer
With your hands stretched to touch the sky

The beauty of a God so magnificent
A coordinated and organized creation
From a being so great
It’s impossible to see the end of His greatness
Even when you are at the top of the highest mountain

©January 2020

What can a grateful heart give?

 I am grateful to God for life.  I have passed through the waters I have crawled through the storm I persevered the heat of the fire My bone...