

Monday, November 2

Ankara craft training

2015 is gradually coming to an end. Don't end the year without having a skill.
Learn ankara craft!
The cost of the tuition for each craft is as follows (please note that trainees will have to buy their own materials and tools);
1. Wallets (male & female) 5k per design of wallet
2. Clutch 5k per design of clutch
4. Hand bags (sewing and non-sew) 8k per design of handbag
5. Bow tie (bonus craft if you do all the others)
6. Hair pieces (3 designs 5k)
7. Belts (male & female) 5k
8. Costume jewellery (necklace, earrings, and bangles) 15k for 3 set designs
9. Slippers (female) 15k

Weekend and weekday training available.
Please contact Mariam Campbell 08177165365 (calls, text or whatsapp), 7F679ED8 (BBM Pin) or email

Tuesday, September 1

Some say we lack Leaders...............

Some say we lack leaders
Others say we lack followership
 Some have gone as far as saying
Leadership is a result of the followership

Nigeria does not lack leaders
 Nigeria lacks a leader with a vision
We lack a leader who can see beyond his stomach
We lack a leader who can see beyond the need of his situation

Nigeria used to be a giant
But the need for today has put its tomorrow in jeopardy
Now everybody, leaders and followers
 Do not want to see beyond today as they fear for tomorrow

 Even the WORD asks us to WRITE the vision
Visions are never for today
They are for tomorrow
 A tomorrow that is far into the future

Nigerians need to begin its search for a visionary Leader
 A leader like Joseph who saw tomorrow
Because of it he didn't allow today to suck him in
His vision made him the first Prime minister ever

Nigeria needs a leader like Nehemiah
 He saw the desolation of his land
But he also saw the greatness of a better tomorrow
 He fought for and worked for that tomorrow

Nigerians need a leader that is not afraid to champion a cause for change
 A leader like Elijah
 He challenged the prophets of Baal and the whole of Israel
He made them see that God reigns over all

Nigeria does not lack leaders
We have leaders
 They are not just the type we need
What we have is a shadow of leadership

 We need leaders with vision
 Leaders who can run with said vision
Leaders who see a great Nigeria
Leaders willing and ready to build that greatness at all cost!

This is what we need
This kind of leadership is what we deserve
It is the leadership that ensures that followers "follow"
 Nigerians must demand for their right!

 ~Mariam Campbell 2015

What can a grateful heart give?

 I am grateful to God for life.  I have passed through the waters I have crawled through the storm I persevered the heat of the fire My bone...