

Friday, October 25

Dreams Can Come True!

On Tuesday I saw a girl in uniform (don't get me wrong, I see students in uniform everyday) but this one hit a chord. Why? It did because as I looked at her I remembered I was that small (she was very small!) and at that age I had so many dreams. My mind was and still is very imaginative and has the ability to dream far into the future. I would pen all my ideas and save them. Recently I looked at some and wondered to myself, “did I do that?”
Some of my dreams I have been able to run with and bring to reality. I remembered back in the late 1980s that anytime I watched ‘Youth Scene’ that popular program on NTA I would tell myself I would be able to meet with the anchor of the program. Today I can safely say that I have fulfilled that dream or part of it. I used to tell myself I would never work for anyone, well maybe I worked for someone for a while but today I work for no one but myself and my clients. I remember also saying that I would grow up to take care of my parents, a lot of use wish for this but few can actually say they do. I am grateful to God that he has given me the grace to fulfill this dream. I still have so much and so many dreams that are yet to be made a reality and so many that are already a reality. I write for a living, a passion I get satisfaction from. I talk for a living a dream that is a reality. But I still have a long way to go and if God has brought me this far, I am very sure he will take me to the very end of the road. Let us all remember that dreams can come true. All we need is the power to be able to run with our dreams!

Dreams of a little girl

On Tuesday I saw a girl in uniform (don't get me wrong, I see students in uniform everyday) but this one hit a chord. Why? It did because as I looked at her I remembered I was that small (she was very small!) and at that age I had so many dreams. My mind was and still is very imaginative and has the ability to dream far into the future. I would pen all my ideas and save them. Recently I looked at some and wondered to myself, “did I do that?” Some of my dreams I have been able to run with and bring to reality.

I remembered back in the late 1980s that anytime I watched ‘Youth Scene’ that popular program on NTA2 Channel 5, I would tell myself I would be able to meet with the anchor of the program. Today I can safely say that I have fulfilled that dream or part of it as the anchor then is my mentor today. I used to tell myself I would never work for anyone, well maybe I worked for someone for a while but today I work for no one but myself and my clients. I remember also saying that I would grow up to take care of my parents, a lot of us wish for this but few can actually say they do.

I am grateful to God that he has given me the grace to fulfill this dream. I still have so much and so many dreams that are yet to be made a reality and so many that are already a reality. I write for a living, a passion I get satisfaction from. I talk for a living a dream that is a reality. But I still have a long way to go and if God has brought me this far, I am very sure he will take me to the very end of the road.

Let us all remember that dreams can come true. All we need is the power to be able to run with our dreams! There is a quote I love so much from the good book (the bible) and it says “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time." Habakkuk 2:2-3 MSG. I like it a lot because it refers to our dreams (vision) as something that points to what is coming and not that will be at the right time.

As I looked as that little girl as small as she was, I remembered that I was that small and now I have grown (still growing). I realised that time waits for no one and its what we make of our life now and how well we invest in our future that will determine how fast we rise to the challenges that life deals out to us.

Sunday, June 9

What money cannot buy............

This week I came across a very beautiful woman who was nicely dressed. If she did not open her mouth to speak you would actually pray to have such a beautiful woman as wife. But when she opened her mouth to speak I almost cried. All I ended up doing was pray and pray. Today going back home I saw her again and I realized it is impossible to value sanity until we actually see those who have lost it. Beautiful people who are in a world of their own not knowing or recognizing life as we see it. Place much more value on the little things please because they matter. Little things like the ability to swallow, smell, feel, go to the loo, bath yourself, reason, etc are daily miracles and gifts from our maker who gives us a tune-up each day before we wake up. Wake up count your toes, fingers, speak and hear, touch and feel, brush your teeth and take your bath, go to the loo and do tha' thing. Open your eyes and behold the beauty of a new day! Recognize your siblings, husband, children, and home. Money will buy you cloths but not the skin to put it on, money will buy you shoes but not the feet its worn on, money will buy you books but not the eyes to read or mind to understand, money will buy you food but not the tongue to taste or the mouth to eat, money will buy you perfumes but not the nose to smell it, money will buy you a lot of things but then money will never buy you those things that we take for granted and which we sleep with and wake up having. That is not the end of it. Very few people who have an abundance of money do not have that which you wake up with; peace in your heart and home, joy that runs deep and a happiness that cannot be bought. The ability to think and create is a miracle, a special gift that everyone should have but not everyone does. We say common sense is not common, but do we know that money will not buy common sense? The ability to think and differentiate wrong from right, the ability to chose right in itself is a gift that we need not take for granted. Why? There are a lot of people out there who would love to be able to think straight and make the right choice but then they just end up making the wrong choices every step of the way. When we were asked to "count our blessings and name them one by one", the author of the song did not mean those things which we have worked for and bought with our hard earned money; those things that money can buy. The actual fact is that he meant those things which no amount of money can buy; those things that we wake up each day taking for granted. Our senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, feel, or organs - the beating heart, functioning lungs, working kidney, our spleen, pancrease, bladder, brain; our limbs, even our natural clothing - our skin. Its so beautiful to have them and to have them working perfectly without any external use or aid. Learn to value those things in your life that money cannot buy, they matter a lot and the value of it cannot be quantified. God has made a perfect machine in us, one that cannot be replicated, duplicated or disengaged. That in itself is a miracle!

Thursday, January 31

A man of service

Obed Edom was recorded as the most wretched man in the land of Israel during the reign of King David. This prompted the King to order the Ark of God be put in his house when it killed two of the Ark attendant. Many would have been scared thinking they would also be struck dead. But NO! Obed Edom used that time to be of service before the ark and every day he served he got a good report direct from God. People around began to notice and wonder. They marveled that is this not the wretched man? Why is he still alive and not dead? Obed Edom's life experienced a change that people noticed, gradually this brought him before the king. Before long he got the King's attention and the Ark of God was brought out of his house by the order of the king with joy and dancing. Since that day the most wretched man entered the book of history as the man who due to his service became elevated to a place of prominence. What is that situation that you are going through? It must not have been easy for him the day the Ark entered his house especially after the reports gotten of what the Ark did in the enemy camp and even when the Ark came into Israel. He must have thought so this people want me to die like the two levites. He was poor and did not have a say against the order of the King. His life had no value and was not of importance to the throne so if he had died the land would not have gone into mourning. But he did not go into self pity and was not dejected. Instead he would sweep and clean ensuring that the Ark was kept in a clean and as proper a place as it could be. He spent time making his home habitable and presentable. As he swept he got gold dust and I am sure the first time he would not have believed it. Most times God takes what we see as a dead end to take us to a place of notice and attention. Whatever we are going through let us remain to be of service. Leave self pity out of it, don't see where you are as a place where you must lie down and die. Continue to render a good service, be noted for your good works because people are watching. They notice and are keeping count. Soon the people watching waiting for you to give up will be the one to start spreading the news of your works. Have a wonderful new month!


As I grew up the "Ember" month was the count-down to Christmas. For children it was that time you began to sing the song “Christmas is coming, Papa buy shoe for me” and the joy of coming to the end of a year in one piece began. But as I grew older and began to understand the ways of the adult, I realized that the last four months of the year otherwise known as the “ember” months bring anxiety instead of anticipation. The adult become more careful (at least the ones I grew up with) more prayerful and more watchful. To them the “ember” months were those that played a lot of havoc and ones in which crimes are perpetuated. It’s funny though since the worrying of the adults did not change the names of the months and it most definitely did not make the months either bad or good. In fact the months just kept answering to its name. Now I prefer to call those months the “remember” months. It is during this period that we all remember those things we have left undone; we remember God’s promises that are yet to manifest, we also remember all our clients that are yet to pay for our services. However for me it is that time I began to count my blessings as I gradually write the last chapters of the year. We have 12 chapters each year, towards the end of the book you must ensure that the reader remains captivated so he can read to the end. Or else he will set the book aside and move on. I remember one of Gloria Estafan’s songs “remember me with love”. The “ember” months are those times when we remember with love the goodness of God and bless his name for life. Lastly just as it rightly says, the “ember” months are periods in which the dying flames (embers) of our hopes, faith and life are to be stocked so they can burn more fiercely. Remember what the bible says about Adam and the animals? It is the name we give to a thing that it will be called and it shall act in accordance to its name. That is why my people say “we look at the home before giving a child its name”. Therefore it is the name we give to these months they would answer to. Have a wonderful “EMBER” months as we round-off 2013!!!

What can a grateful heart give?

 I am grateful to God for life.  I have passed through the waters I have crawled through the storm I persevered the heat of the fire My bone...