Developing the entrepreneurs mindset in the next generation should be the priority of the present generation of Nigerians. If you have children or pray to have children start building the spirit of an entrepreneur in them. That is the only thing that can assure their future. Not your money, not the education, most definitely not your connection! Start while they are yet young!
In the book of exodus the word of the Lord came to Moses; "You have stayed too long at the place, tell my people to move forward!" Nigeria and Nigerian must listen to the words and relate to it. Not only in nature have we stayed so long in one place; waiting for the government and society to do what we can do and in some cases we even wait on God to do that which we can do.
It is high time that we learn to begin to move forward and begin to build and water along the way. Our children will not thank us neither will they bless us when we do not leave anything behind for them to enjoy.
You know at the start of this note I started with a quote and had an entirely different angle of focus in mind but then I realized that my mind just turned in a different direction from where it started out from. Entrepreneurship and not national cake or the break of a nation is what can build a nation that is gradually going from a position of light to darkness. Nigeria is a country blessed with what a lot of other countries don't have. We have intelligent people who have had their creativity suppressed for whatever reason you can think of by society, family, parent and even the individuals themselves. We have allowed the society and people determine how we grow, create and multiply.
This should not be so! We have to; from this point forward begin to build in ourselves and our children the the mindset of what Africa stands for. Africa (especially Nigeria) is a group of people so blessed that we could actually be self sustaining but we have allowed ourselves to be ruled by our stomachs which has killed our ability to create. Creation and multiplication is a very important part of human existence which is why it is the first command that God gave to man - Be fruitful and multiply!
Working in opposition to that order is against humanity. Therefore I implore us that from this day forward we begin to develop the mindset of an entrepreneur in our children. If you cant use it to create solutions and opportunities don't study it in school! This is what we need now. We need enough youths from the growing generation who are not afraid to create and multiply. Let it not be said that the break came in our generation or that of our children.
You know I go round and I ask youngsters around what they plan to be in the future and non of them even think of starting a company or inventing a cure or innovation. They all want to be rich and powerful but they do not want to know how. They have no foundation and we know that a house that is built without a foundation will not stand.
So I am begging us; parents, soon to be parents and everyone who will be parents at one time or the other to begin to think of the well-being of their children. Well-being is not money or gifts its what future they can have even when you are not there to help them. Think (God forbid!) what happens to you 15yr old son or daughter if you die today? Can they face the would and its challenges head on or will they bow to influence of the society or friends? Will your 15yr old daughter turn to prostitution or other worldly devices because she does not have skills neither does she know of any other way she can take care of her needs? How about your sons?
How will they survive and cope once they are no longer under your roof? Can they stand strong? Remember any child with a sell-able skill will eventually look out for any way to make ends meet as is the nature of man. He would survive in any way he can!
Begin today so that you do not regret when it is too late to help them!
God bless Nigeria and God bless you as you read!